This uke, the Kala Ka-Cem concert mahogany spends it’s time at the training center with uke number 3 with this one reserved for some more serious play. I remember getting it at Funky Frets. I had stopped in there just to look (not the first time THAT didn’t work) and to pick up another electronic tuner. Actually I think my reasoning was that since this one has a built in tuner and equalizer.The Kala with amp.
Going BIGGER with an Alvarez RU26T Tenor. The spruce top and mahogany sides caught my attention as did the natural finish. I seem to shy away from the shiny ukes.
A paper model of the 1804 Trevithick Peny Darren. A Welsh locomotive that set out to haul five wagons carrying 10 tons of iron and 70 men over 9.75 miles. It was too heavy for the rails, but did complete the journey, winning a large bet for its owner. I completed this from a book of 50 supposedly “easy-to-make” models.