Building Great Sentences 1: A Sequence of Words

Introduces a number of assumptions upon which the entire course rests. Explores the vertical ladder of abstraction, how the same words in different order have different meanings, that the way sentences convey information adds to or changes the information, and that there’s no difference between style and content.

Assignment: Provide sentences of varying lengths that give you pleasure.

My Website

This is my web site. It’s all about me, well let’s say FOR me. If it seems self-centered it is, but I don’t mean it in a way to build my ego… just that it serves my purposes to organize my thoughts and web resources. Feel free to read it, but always remember I didn’t write it for you or to promote myself or any of my ideas, just to put them somewhere that I can find them and rearrange them in an attempt to make sense of my own existence and purpose.